Before the beginning..

Here it is, This blog, to plan, document and stay sane throughout the big journey is out! I am a Palliative care physician from India, travelling across 16 states, training doctors, nurses, social workers and physiotherapists in basics of palliative care.There are many things along with it too, there are plans to document the End of life rituals and concept of Death among various people across Cultures, there are testimonies of participants of the training, there are videos of people attending the death cafes- there are so many things waiting to hop on this blog.There are also nervous rants and frustration at the back and forth of the institutions, and reflections on people cared for.Hope I will document my experiences of beauty  and confusion with truth and hope you will find it readable, interesting, entertaining, useful? More than anything, I hope to allow Life to affect me, like it affected Sheila Reddy, the author of Mr and Mrs Jinnah as she spent four years with a project that she was to "finish" in six months and resume work, I hope I will let life and this travel change me and my work, that I will travel not with my ideas and images held tight, giving only so much as a lee way as it makes me perceive a possibility of change but never really getting there, but truly arrive at every place feeling my feet on the ground, willing to unwind the woven schema in the face of something true and beautiful.


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